Saturday, October 31, 2015

Scalping Tickets For Fall

In East Tennessee.  There is a north wind on and leaves waltzing horizontal.  If I had invented fall I would have made you stand in line to see it and my ticket price would have scalpers on every corner of summer.  God Is So Good!!! All The Fall!!! 

My beloved Cumberland Mountain State Park where I have spent many a good God fall day.
Picture credit to Kathy Shirk shared by my high school friend Missy Mercer.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Passionate Apathy

I am daily confronted with two profound truths that cause me great sadness and sincere joy; youth wasted in apathy and passion found only in youth.  But there is a stranger truth.  Often I find that the young are apathetic about their passion or passionate about their apathy.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Putting Away The Summer Sheets

Sometimes there is a late fall rain that comes steady for days bringing most the leaves down to cover the earth.  It is like the sky is washing all the summer sheets to put away and bringing out the colored flannels to warm against the coming winter. 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Smile, There's More Where That Came From

Kindness is something that everyone is gifted with.  We can all be kind.  One of the best and most overlooked tools in faith and life is our smile.  To make this point consider this, we own an infinite number of smiles and yet many humans, including children, will not be the recipients of even one today.  Maybe we should each try to share a little more! 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Family Circus

Families grow!  It is one of the great gifts of life that our tribe increases.  In this increase lives lived apart from us and brought into our clan are celebrated.  This requires an ongoing commitment of love in order for the family tent to become a family circus because life is an extravaganza under the big top. 

Now in the center ring of the Benson Circus
the beautiful Britt Carr, Zac's fiancee.  
Supporting Cast, Bonnie her mother and Betty 

Friday, October 23, 2015

Amber Waves Of Grace

We went yesterday to the fields of West Tennessee to see the crops, the brittle brown corn, the pale gold bean, the white down cotton.  Affluence abounds in blankets of ripeness that once again sings hymns of praise like no human choir has ever dreamed, chorus after chorus stretched out before us hitting every note perfectly and ever line without flaw, “God is good!  All the time!”