Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Squirrely Pearl

Sitting and visiting with my 98-year-old grandmother when she said, “I have a squirrel that comes and looks in my door at me.  I love that little squirrel.  I named it Squirrely Pearl.  I love my little animals, I know they can be irritating but I love them.”  When you begin to name the wild animals you can bet you have reached the ultimate state of grace of human existence.
Adam Naming the Animals in Paradise 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Rain Bearing Life and Death

There is a heavy rain on, like my whole earth sits under a great waterfall.  The sounds are ripe with hope and long summers full of green shade, plump gardens and flowers soaking with color.  There came death by here also. 

“I love you, my sweet children, who are gone
Into another mansion; but I know
I love you not as I shall love you yet.
I love you, sweet dead children; there are none
In the land to which ye vanish to go,
Whose hearts more truly on your hearts are set-
Yet should I die of grief to love you only so.”
                           George MacDonald

A heavy rain is truly on and rivers are raised to carry our loved ones home.

Friday, May 9, 2014

How To Make An Atheist Cry

I love rain.  It is magic, falling liquid that makes green, builds wooden towers and colors everything that has roots.  Humans don’t need rain in any direct way so most of us are just annoyed by it.  However, let the sky go hard blue and the earth dry as iron and you will see it direct humans.  We will all be dancing beside the rain altar and the lips of the atheists crying out “PLEASE” to God.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What Does The Tree Say To The Rose?

Frequently my senses are so overwhelmed with Your created beauty that I cannot still my mind and heart to pray.  It is Your bath of exquisite beauty, its abundance, and its carefree liberality that evokes me to be praise to You.  i am praise to YOU.  And even in this I realize my complete poverty for there is not an “i” that is able to summon up even recognition of beauty, like a tree can say, “oh look how beautiful the rose!”  Often all that i have left is repeating after You, “You Are”, Therefore beauty is and i am able to recognize it and often recognize You.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Cosmos Between My Ears

The cosmos of my mind is oft greater than my heart can hold.  The depths of my thoughts cast the heavens into the shallows of irrelevancy and time and space evaporate like night does to dawn.  Who can map this great universe and sew peace into the dark matter of the infiniteness between my ears.  Only God can look at that vast formlessness and say, “Let there be Light!” 

"Let There Be Light"