Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Golden Divinity

Joshua 19-21

Lots of information, lots of cities and lots of divided pasture lands.  I must admit to finding it difficult to hear God this a.m.  I can write about the cities of refuge.  Where do you run when there’s nowhere else to turn?  I could write about the map in the back of my Bible that shows ancient Israel divided up into colors of red, yellow, orange and green, signifying each tribe.  Reminds me of the habit of some to divide America into red, blue and purple states.  I like the designation “United” better.

One odd thought is this, if God divided up the space, the Promised Land, it must have been divided in Ultimate Perfection.  For thounsands of years artists, philosophers and mathematicians have studied the perfect division of any space.  The formula is called The Golden Mean, The Divine Ratio or Phi.  Phi being the first three letters of the name of the Greek sculptor, Phidias, who closely studied and worked within the ratio.  Volumes of art, math and philosophical texts have been written on this Divine division of space which we will sum up as the long axis is 1.618033987… of the short axis.  This formula is found in compositional ratio throughout nature from the cellular to the cosmic.  It is also found in many of the great works of art and architecture that all cultures celebrate.  Its most common example is shown below.  Man did not invent this ratio, but once discovered we have found its perfection so common and compelling that we named it after its maker, The Divine Ratio.  I guess if God were to divide up any space from the Milky Way to the Promised Land, it would be the Perfection of Division!  God we love You!!!  

The flawless design in the nautilus shell contains the golden ration

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Playground Rules

Joshua 15-18
Clearly defined boundaries.  That’s what’s happening in these chapters.  The Promised Land is being divided between the different tribes, each parcel with clearly defined boundaries.   I once heard a story about a new elementary school.  On the playground all the children would huddle around the teachers to play.  No one could understand why until one wise mother suggested they put a fence around the playground.  That was the answer.  The children immediately ventured all over the playground, discovering, exploring and playing. 

Clearly defined boundaries offer security and guidelines for how to behave and live.  In our postmodern culture clearly defined boundaries have been removed and everyone lives and behaves according to their own set of boundaries.  Seems ideal if everyone “loved their neighbor as themselves.”

In a postmodern world, recess can be a dangerous and confusing place.  Clearly defined boundaries are good for children at recess, children of Israel and all children grown into adults. 

Who shall define our boundaries?

Monday, February 27, 2012


Joshua 11-14
More inheritance.  We are back in the Word and find Joshua and the Children of Israel dividing up the Promised Land as their “inheritance.”  Inheritances are funny things.  We had dinner with a couple last night and talked about inheritances.  The wife said her father had made a list of everything that he and her mother owned and then each child got to pick which things on the list they wanted.  That seems fair.

What’s the greatest thing you’ve ever inherited?  Money, jewelry, a precious heirloom, homes, land; what would it be?  What’s the most precious item you will leave your children?  What’s the thing they want most? 

I hope that I leave and that they want, “a love for God and a love for others!”  The Children of Israel were dividing up land, but their inheritance was…they were the children of God.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Deuteronomy 33-34
It's the last entry into my Sunday School lesson.  We’ve been learning to “Be Positive.”  The “Life Goal” for the lesson or what we need to learn is  “To diligently build a Positive Godly Legacy.” 

It all comes down to this.   Is your legacy something your children look forward to inheriting?  Not your $ or your assets, but your legacy?

Think about it!  

Saturday, February 25, 2012

How To Sing Love Songs

Deuteronomy 34:10-12, Joshua 9-10

The last subtitle of our lesson on being positive is “Keep Growing in Your Relationship with God.”  There’s only one way to truly grow in any relationship and that is found in 34:10 speaking of Moses, “…whom the Lord knew face to face.”  A deeply intimate and personal relationship with God is done alone, face-to-face with Him.  Most of us worship our church attendance and our salvation, but never commit to a daily communion with Him.

Think of it this way.  How silly it would be for me to think that the best way to have a personal, loving relationship with my wife, Betty, would be to join a group that met once a week to sing love songs to her.  Afterwards, we would listen to one person explain to all of us how I could better love her.  Then if I really loved her, I would join a smaller group and meet once a week to study a book about her.  I would imagine the greatest marriage I’ve ever known would never have been. 

Face to face is the only way to really have a personal relationship with anyone, your wife or God Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth.

Friday, February 24, 2012


Deuternonomy 34:5-9

The subtitle today is “Keep Preparing and Encouraging New Leaders.”  Eventually, we will all be gathered into eternity and leave this world we have made in the hands of our younger loved ones.  This subtitle makes two assumptions: that we understand and are preparing for it and that encouragement is the most important tool for the task.  How does this underscore the lesson's theme of “Being Positive”?  If we train up our younger generation in the love and admonition of the Lord, then we can leave this world knowing it’s in good hands. 

My late father rarely talked to me personally about the great issues of life, but I had the great privilege of listening to him preach every Sunday for years.  I always felt as if he were talking to me personally and always felt as if he was talking for God.  That was such a wonderful way to grow up.  What did I learn?  My relationship with God through Christ trumps all!!!  Always actively love and serve the least among you.  Never grow fond of this world's material offerings. 

The "younger generation" Sarah with her nephew, our
grandson, "Rudolph" Knox Lee Benson
Let me share one more story that I believe is relevant.  My wife, youngest daughter, Sarah and I were recently visiting my mother’s church and found ourselves in her Sunday School class of 70 and 80 something’s.  The teacher and members had bemoaned the current younger generation all through the lesson.  As the class came to a close our daughter, just 17, shyly raised her delicate young hand.  The teacher recognized her and all the aged, sun-spotted, bent and arthritic turned toward her.  She said softly, as only a 17 year old girl can, “I don’t mean to be rude, but you all sure have left this world in a mess for us to clean up.”  You could have heard a pin drop.  I truly don’t believe I had anything to do with that, but I can remember proudly thinking she’s certainly up to the task.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Why am I Sitting with the Rain?

Deuteronomy 34:1-4

Our second subtitle to “Being Positive” is “Keep focusing on God’s purpose.”  What is God’s purpose for you?  It’s quite simple, to love Him.  It’s amazing how many people find it impossible to love God.  Science has done that to us.  We have regulated, by faith, all knowledge and wisdom to science.  Try this: think for a moment about your body, your physical, biological body, its cells, fluids, organs, etc.  Science has been able to tell us so much about our bodies and I’m a great recipient of scientific knowledge in just being alive. 

Now think about you -- not your body, but you.  Think about your loves and hurts, your desires, cares, hopes and dreams, your meaning, your deeply held values, those loves that are so fulfilling that at times they cause you a physical ache….“that you that you are.”  Science cannot explain any of that.  In fact, because science can’t quantify these areas they arrogantly dismissed them long ago as meaningless cause and affect instincts.  But deep down we all know which “we”, we are.  Science and faith must always be “faithfully wed” in order for humans to live complete lives and the ultimate purpose of that completeness is to “Love God.” 

I’m sitting out on our porch in the darkness of early morning listening to it rain.  Science can tell me a lot about rain, but it can’t explain why I like sitting listening to it. 

Don’t you just love God?!!  

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bragging on God?!?!

Deuteronomy 33:1-5

Remember the title of my Sunday School lesson is “Be Positive”; well, the first subtitle in the lesson is “Keep Bragging on God to the End.”  Bragging on God is like bragging on the sun.  Can you imagine thinking, “boy, that sun could use some encouragement”? The power of the sun lets it do its own bragging.  Now comparing God to the sun is like comparing the sun to all stars; there’s just no comparison, but I hope you get my point.  

Everything that is, is bragging on God.  He made it all and through Him all things exist.  Me, every cell of me, without saying or doing a thing, brags on God.  His goodness, His brilliance, His creativity, His power…His omnipotence all brag on Him. The sun, the moon, the entire universe brag on God.  Everything brags on God.

But if I were to brag, and trust me I’ve given this a lot of thought, I would brag on this:  Jesus loves me.  He doesn’t hold me against me.  He loves me and loves me in spite of myself.  I’ve never understood or gotten over that!!!

How would you brag on God?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Eeyour or T I double G er

Deuteronomy 33-34
I know we’ve already read this, but I’m teaching Sunday School this week and will be studying it every morning.  The title of our lesson is “Be Positive.” 

Does that describe you?  I must confess; it doesn’t me.  I’m more of a worrier.  The great news is that we are led by a positive God.  Jesus specifically addresses this issue in Matthew 6:19-34 when He talks about God feeding the birds.  Two other animals, albeit fictional, we can look at to help us in this area are Eeyore and Tigger of Winnie the Pooh fame.  Eeyore’s nose and ears are always dragging the ground as he moans and groans while Tigger is always bouncing around on his tail, chuckling and smiling.  Which are you?  EEE-hor or T  I  Double G  er?  My granny would always say “you can attract more flies with honey than with vinegar.”

Faith in Christ goes a long way in creating a honey-filled, positive life.

A wonderful thing is a Tigger
A Tigger’s a wonderful thing.
Their tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of springs…

Monday, February 20, 2012

Extreme Prejudice

Joshua 6-8

The walls of Jericho come tumbling down and these pages are once more filled with violence, killing and bloodletting.  The story is very personal for two people - Rahab who we met yesterday, and Achan whose story stains the pages with sin and death.  The personal story is this: Achan is one of the Children of God, witnessed first hand God’s care for the people in the wilderness and is a member of the greatest family, Judah, the tribe from whom Jesus would come.  But because of his sin Achan and all his descendants are terminated with severe prejudice. 

Rahab has nothing.  A foreigner who ran a house of ill repute, but because of her belief and fear in God she is spared with extreme prejudice.  She is grafted into the Chosen People, marries into the tribe of Judah and becomes the great matriarch of King David and The King, Christ the Lord.

The great human drama is always deeply personal and always, always, always, eventually settled with extreme prejudice.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Best Little Whore House in Jericho

Joshua 2-5

Well, they’ve entered the Promised Land.  We are introduced to Rahab, the whore, great-great-grandmother of David and direct ancestor of Christ, the Son of God.  Scarlett rope, no more manna, splitting of the Jordan river, two altars, one under water and an angel with a sword - boy, did they enter the Promised Land!

Whores and altars - I’m so thankful God includes both of them in His story to us.  It gives all of us a wonderful sense of hope that He understands we’re human and loves us anyway.

If you’ve never built an altar to the Lord, let me encourage you to do so.  We’ve built altars all over the world.  Build a marker as a witness to your children that God through Christ has entered you in a mighty way.  Sinner, you are now a direct relation to God through Christ His Son.  

Sarah's Altar we built last year in the
mountians of East Tennessee as a covenant with God
as she left for college.

Friday, February 17, 2012

No Bells and Whistles, well one at the bottom...

Deuteronomy 33-Joshua 1

Moses dies and almost as quickly as it takes you to read this sentence, the Bible moves on to Joshua.  Moses wrote a poem, went hiking, climbed a mountain, died, and God buried him and was the only One in attendance.  Then Joshua whose name translates into Jesus is anointed to lead the people into the Promised Land.  There’s enough meaning here that I need not word it up with bells and whistles.

One verse of note, 33:2, “The Lord came from Sinai and dawned  on them from Seir…”  Don’t you love the way God talks about Himself in beautifully romantic ways?  “Indeed He loves the people…” 33:3

Michelangelo's Moses.  My personal favorite.  Notice the hair of the beard, so soft
you forget it's stone.   It's in a small chapel in Rome.  You put a coin in the
box and a light comes on for one minute.  Our family has  added many
a coin to that box.

How will you die?

Deuteronomy 30-32

How will you die?  Oh, to die with a song on our lips and a melody in our hearts. That is how we find Moses dying this morning.  Do you have a favorite song that embodies your faith in the Lord, maybe an old hymn like “The Old Rugged Cross” or “Amazing Grace” or a more contemporary one like “I Can Only Imagine”? When it comes time to see our last glimpse of earth and be gathered into eternity, it would be well to go with a song in the air.

I can remember once in my life, a quater a century ago, the horror of an emergency room on full alert with the loud calamity of man and machine recording what I believed to be my death.  I could taste the terror.  An angel knelt down beside me and began to sing softly in my ear:

Jesus loves me this I know
For the Bible tells me so
Little ones to Him belong
They are weak but He is strong.
Yes Jesus loves me!
Yes Jesus loves me!
Yes Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so.

Thanks Baby!!!

That’s a good song to die with or even thinking your dying with.

How will you die?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Cannibalism and Sweet Tomatoes

Deuteronomy 28-29

Well, we can’t say God didn’t make it clear.  Follow Him and there will be blessings; reject Him and there will be hell to pay.  Eating one’s own children is as close to hell on earth as you can get.

Every one of us has to decide what we believe.  I’m not talking about going to church or being good.  What do you believe about God?  It’s the greatest question posed to all humans.  Listen to the last verse of these two chapters.  “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever that we may observe all the words of the law forever.” 29:29

There is exact truth.  There’s an exact number of leaves on the trees in my yard, not one more and not one less.  There’s an exact number of drops of water in the oceans, not one more nor one less.  There are billions upon billions of exact truths that will always remain secret to me and to all of us.  Jesus affirmed this when He said that God knew the number of hairs on each of our heads.  We will never know why hunger, devastation and hurt exist and why it exists in such random and painful ways.  These things always exist, and the cause and reason remain a secret to us. 

But here’s what I do know!!! The sun is wonderful. I love my sense of hearing, especially when my grandchildren sing.  I love that tomatoes know how to grow sweet in the summer and that warm water feels so good in the winter.  There are billions upon billions of good truth “revealed” to me and each convinces me that Someone loves me.  We can’t fathom all truth, but one truth we can is LOVE.  God is love and that’s the good news.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Cursing, Michelangelo, Love Rules

Deuteronomy 24-27

Ok, it finally got to me.  Laws, laws, laws, laws and more laws.   What finally pushed me over the edge was the cursing from the mountaintop followed by the echoing amen’s!  I give up.

Sometimes when making sculpture you work on a piece and it just never comes.  No matter what you do, the work cannot be realized.  In the picture below you see the last piece that Michelangelo was working on before he died.  It’s a despairing piece in comparison to his glorious David and his 
St. Peter's Pieta.  It was also to be a Pieta.  If you look closely there’s even an extra arm.  Legend says that Michelangelo beat this stone until there was nothing left to beat.

That’s how the law confronts us.  We can work at it until we’re blue in the face, but we will never keep the law perfectly.  Even though this morning's reading of the law pushed me over the preverbal edge, it did so only in this morning's reading.  We have now been freed from the law.  Jesus freed us.  In Matthew 5:17, Jesus tells us He came to “fulfill” the law.  Christ made me the sculpture that I could never make myself.  This morning's curses reminded me of how much I needed to be free and how grateful I am.  In Christ we are all freed from the law except one, the Law of Love, Romans 13:10.

Curse the curses.  Love rules!!!  Happy loving.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Crimes and Punishments and Heart Shaped Pancakes

Deuteronomy 20-23

Laws, laws, laws, from wars to wet dreams, they’re all in these chapters of crimes and punishments.  I really don’t like reading all of this.  I even heard the atheist comedian, Bill Maher, quote 21:21 as one reason he’s an atheist.  I readily admit much of this is beyond my theological pay grade, but none of this is why I don’t like reading about crimes and punishments.  The real reason is that it reminds me of how many crimes of my own have gone unpunished.  The times I've been mean or stingy, done bad things to those I dislike, times I've stretched the truth, allowed temptation to have its way with me, let others be blamed for things I had done.  Oh, I could go on and on stretching back to my school days to all those I’ve hurt, ignored, used and abused.  Oh, Dear God Almighty who will save me from this wrenched mess of crimes and punishments?  “Wretched man that I am!  Who will set me free from the body of death?  Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord…There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Romans 7:24-8:1

Nothing like a “Dueteronomyed” forced march down memory lane to make you face a new day with a joy-filled, grateful, "un-condemned” heart.  Don’t you just love God and Jesus!!!

Post Script:  I got heart shaped pancakes for breakfast.  Don't you just love Betty.  Happy Valentines day.  Another reason this is going to be a good day.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Deuteronomy 16-19

Feasts and landmarks, celebrations and preachers, justice and punishment, refuges and testimonies, kings and The Prophet, it’s all in there today.  You know the difference between America and the Bible?  America regulates God to Sunday, but the Bible regulates the day-to-day grind and glory of our lives.  It’s the great marinade for life, soaking us in the every day moment by moment care of God’s love for us. 

It’s a bitter cold morning.  I was looking out the window and saw a robin using her beak to turn over leaves that had blown in around my rose bush.  Why would a robin be out in the freezing cold?  She’s hungry.  What a great metaphor for the leaves of the Bible.  How hungry are you?  

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Redemptive Close Encounters

Deuteronomy 12-15
Both of my sons are artists and both have chosen to work in the areas of redemption.  One works with it as a concept and one works with redeemed, recycled materials.  That is what these chapters, the whole Bible and God are all about.  “…and the Lord your God redeemed you.” 15:15. 

My wife and I watched “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” last night.   It’s about a man who has an encounter with extraterrestrials, which forever changes his life.  It’s a good, simple metaphor for the God story, the story of redemption.  It is why most of our great books, movies, histories and legends all revolve around that theme.  It’s the original theme.  God made a perfect world and perfect humans.  God loved us and made us free.  We got ourselves in trouble.  Because God loves us, He offers us redemption out of our trouble.  “For God so loved the world…”  John 3:16.  I love the Bible.  It’s the story of the original close encounter of the First Kind.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

National Dementia

Deuteronomy 8-11
I bet our Pilgrims clung to these chapters.  All the Promised Land lies before the Children of Israel and God lays out His truth.  If they choose to follow Him, all will go well!  If they choose to go their own way, then they’re on their own.  God then confronts us with one of the greatest temptations of mankind.  Don’t forget Me when you have become wealthy, fulfilled and prosperous.  It’s a heart stopper if we pause long enough to consider it.  Forget God?!?!  Forgetting God is worse than forgetting who we are.  It’s like national dementia.   All of us would do well to remember, after our wonderful supper, a good hot shower from our leather recliners before we turn on our 52" flat screen, the old adage of the legendary Alabama football coach Paul Bear Bryant, “you dance with the one that brung ya!” 

Anda one anda two… 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Do's and Don'ts, Cans and Can'ts

Deuteronomy 5-7

I love these chapters.  It reminds me of how wonderful laws are in life and in art.   Laws help us to be better humans and better artists because they present truths that will never change.  Here are two in art.  If you want a rich color, under paint with its opposite and another, the most pleasing vertical height is three times its horizontal width. 

These chapters are so wonderful because they have such a gentle and sincere tone.  That’s the best way to present laws for humans. Its also what separates good work from great art.  Great art is not presenting you a set of laws, but a work of marvel.  That's the truth of God's laws.  It’s not to establish us as a model of do's and don'ts, cans and can'ts.  God's law creates in us an example of the TRUTH of the sincerity of God’s love and care for all human beings.   You see, we are the marvelous artwork of God who should live out His truth of love to our neighbors. 

Post Script:  This was a difficult write.  I have this underlying urge that always gnaws at the edge of my faith.  It is the urge of the noble savage, the bohemian, to go my own way.  To cast off all civil restraint that impedes my creative endeavors and discoveries and shackles me to conformity.  We all have our demons to fight. 

Paul Gauguin, arts bohemian poster boy 

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Deuteronomy 2-4
Have you ever been lost?  Physically, emotionally or spiritually?  I have!  At times our lives can makes us feel completely lost.   Don’t know which way to turn?  If you’ve lost God or maybe never even looked for Him listen to Moses this morning!

“Do not fear them (being lost can work here) for the Lord your God, is the one fighting for you.”  3:22

“And you came near and stood at the foot of the mountain, and the mountain burned with fire to the very heart of the heavens: darkness, cloud and thick gloom.   There the Lord spoke to you from the midst of the fire.”  4:11-12a

“…you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you search for Him with all of your heart and all your soul.”  4:29

“For the Lord your God is a compassionate God, He will not fail you…” 4:31

“To you it was shown that you might know that the Lord, He is God; there is no other besides Him.”  4:35

“Know therefore today, and take it to heart, that the Lord, He is God in Heaven above and on the earth below; there is no other.”  4:39

How could we miss Him!!!
“I once was lost, but now I’m found
Was blind, but now I see.”

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

998 times, 999 times, 1000 times

Numbers 34-Duteronomy 1

Numbers ends with more laws and Deuteronomy picks right up with the same.  In fact, Deuteronomy means “a repeating of the law.”  Have you ever been told something a thousand times as in “If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times!”? (Mothers have passed down that phrase for a thousand years.)  We don’t need a second retelling of the law; we need to be told a thousand times.  Jesus retold it very well when He said, love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.  All the law is summed up in these.

Have you ever done anything with all your heart, soul, mind and strength?  You see; if we need to be told once, we need to be told a thousand times. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Quitting God?

Numbers 31-33
Have you ever wanted to quit God?  I asked my students that question today.  One said yes, when she gets caught up in trying to be perfect.  Another said yes, when bad things happen to loved- ones.   I actually did once.  I didn’t like the way Christians treated my Dad; so, I quit God for 12 years. 

At the beginning of today’s reading, chapter 31:17, it says that God said, “Now therefore kill every male among the little ones…” If you want to quit God, there’s a reason.  That verse made me cringe.  So what are we to do?  We can’t hide from the verse.  It’s there!  God understands how we feel?  Remember when God the Son needed God the Father more than any other time, at the point of His death and He cried out, “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?”  Matthew 27:46.  God the Son felt like God the Father had quit Him. 

God can always handle us feeling as if we want to quit Him.   At times, no matter how you dice it, God is unfathomable.  I cannot understand how my eyes send electrical impulses through rods to my brain and my brain interprets it and I see my beautiful wife.  But I am not going to shut my eyes and quit.  Think of all the joy I would miss.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Silently Dying Lamb

Numbers 27-30
Odd combination of events, Moses is dying: women are granted property rights and vows are regulated.  Right in the middle is a long list of offerings. It remains a bloody dying mess to have a relationship with God.  Here we have a continual procession of lambs, rams, bulls and goats being led to the slaughter in order to bind our humanity to His Holiness.  How would you sew humans to Pure, Perfect, Holiness?  In quietness, right now, gently ask yourself, “How would I bind myself to God Almighty? What could I do, say or perform to accomplish that?” 

In your hopelessness hear God!

“But He (Jesus) was pierced through for our transgressions
He was crushed for our iniquities
The chastening for our well-being fell on Him.
And by His scourging we are healed.
All of us, like sheep, have gone astray
Each of us has turned to his own way
But the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all
To fall on Him
He was oppressed and He was afflicted
Yet He did not open His mouth
Like a lamb that is led to the slaughter…”   Isaiah 53:5-7

I love Jesus!

Grunewald's Isenheim Altar Piece detail

Sunday, February 5, 2012

.000331372 % Belivers

The Rest of the Story

Numbers 24-26
These chapters are why the book got its name.  Moses is counting the people for the second time.  There are now 601,730 men.  37 years before 603,550 men stood at the edge of the Promised Land, but refused to BELIEVE God and go in.  All of them are now dead, save two, Joshua and Caleb, the two who believed- only two, two out of six hundred and three thousand five hundred and fifty men. That is .0003331372 percent.

Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father but through Me.”  John 14:6

You see how important what you BELIEVE is? 

Balaam didn’t believe!!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Bronze Serpents, Talking Donkeys and What You Believe

Numbers 21-23
Which of these three are the most believable?  A bronze serpent that heals you of snake bites if you look at it, a donkey that sees angels and talks like a girl or a man who says, “Lord, Lord”. Believe it or not the first two are true, but not the third.  This is the sad story of Balaam who is made famous by his talking donkey.  But it’s not his donkey that we will focus on.   Balaam who we find calling on the Lord has many outward signs of a believer, but in the New Testament we are told he was not.  Jesus says, “Not everyone who says to me ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven.”  Matthew 7:21 

What do you believe about Lord Jesus the Christ?
The rest of the story tomorrow.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Unclean Souls and Tempra Paint

Numbers 18-20
Moses is out for hitting a rock and Aaron and Miriam die and everyone is struggling with being “unclean”.  Unclean, that’s the point; we are all unclean.  What do we do when our spirit, our soul becomes “unclean”, stained and marred? 

You remember that little white tray of tempera paint you used in primary school.  Remember opening it up for the first time and all the beautiful pure colors in ovals lined up in a row.   Oh, the excitement and anticipation of all the beautiful paintings you were going to make.  But remember after the first few minutes, your nice beautiful white tray had turned into that muddy, watery mess!  We were so disappointed and had no idea what to do. 

But remember the teacher, when she would take it to the sink, run clear water over it,  rub it with your little brush and wash all the mud down the drain.  Like magic the pure oval colors would once more appear.  Oh, the ecstasy of a clean palette and once again being filled with the joy of what wonderful works you were about to do. 

That’s the best example I know of for how it feels when you ask God, in primary faith, to clean your “unclean” muddy spirit!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Serving God with 12 Shirts???????

Numbers 15-17
Wow!!! Lots of death, lots of violence, lots of rebellion.  These three chapters present us with one of our greatest dilemmas.  What do we do when God acts in ways that seem contrary to what we know of Him through His Son, Jesus the Christ?  If you expect an old broken down sculptor from the hills of East Tennessee to know the answer to that one you're gonna be sorely disappointed.  I don’t understand.  I remember when my Dad died.  I had pleaded with God.  Here was a man who had lived his entire life devoted to serving God and he died at 67 with 12 shirts in his closet.   What did it get him?  Other men with no “God” credentials were living on while cancer finally laid my Dad’s ravaged body down. 

Try this.  Go outside on a clear dark night and look up at the stars and shake your fist at the heavens and pour out all your non-understandings.  Scream and shout till your hoarse and there’s no more tears left.  You know what will happen?  Nothing!  Night will be just as quiet and dark and deep as it was when you started.  I don’t understand God.  But at some point I had to come to grips with this one great truth of my faith.  I don’t have to or need to!!!  If He truly is who He declares Himself to be, Lord and Maker, All Powerful, All Present, Holder of everything in the entire universe, including me, in His Authoritative Power then that is ENOUGH.  Then at that point I can live peacefully with “For My (God’s) thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares the Lord.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”  Isaiah 55:8-9

I regularly lie under that black night sky I mentioned above and you know what it always says to me?  “I made all this for you at this moment to say, ‘ I love you, Lee!’”  Not as quiet as it once was.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Two vs. Fox News and CNN

Numbers 12-14
Here is the old familiar story.  The children of Israel have finally arrived at the border of the Promised Land.  Twelve spies are sent out to give an account of the land.  On their return two said, ‘Let’s go!’ but ten said, ‘NO WAY, WE ARE WEAK AND THEY ARE STRONG!!!’ What’s so amazing is how quickly ten voices are able to sway a nation numbering in the millions.  Almost immediately, the entire nation of Israel’s collective backbone yellowed up because of ten cowards.  Stunning, what the power of a loud tongue can do. 

I see one great similarity here.  I would call my family great spies.  We have camped, hiked and climbed all over America.  We have visited all fifty states, our youngest before she was 17. 

Let me give you our eyewitness report:

This is a great country.  There are orchards, vineyard and groves overflowing with abundance from coast to coast.  In the summer you can drive all day in our heartland and never drive out of corn.  At harvest our silos and barns can’t contain it and we pile the grains and produce in great mountains beside the railroad.  We have forests as big as many countries and soils as rich as Solomon’s mines.  All our roads are good and go everywhere.  There are hospitals, clinics, dentists, optometrists and every known specialist in the book and they are in every town in America waiting to see you.  And here’s a stunner.  There are grocery stores everywhere and anytime you walk into them, no matter which state, they are full of food.  We have rivers aplenty, lakes like sand on the seashore, two oceans and more clear, sparkling creeks and streams than we can count.  We have mountain ranges, vast plains and never ending hills.  Every town, city and hamlet have a multitude of churches and synagogues and you know what, on every Sabbath they are full of really good people who really like one another.  But here’s our biggest surprise, most of America is just vast, beautiful empty spaces.   
So what’s my point? Turn off CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, and all the rest.  Cancel your newspaper, we did.  They are all, almost exclusively, like the ten we read about, NAY SAYERS!!! 

How do we know all of this?  We’ve been there.  One month a year for the last seventeen years we have walked through it.  And here is our official report; “We went into the land where you sent us; and it certainly does flow with milk and honey.”  Numbers 13:27