Monday, June 29, 2015


“Then God said, “I am giving you a sign of my covenant with you and with all living creatures, for all generations to come.  I have placed my rainbow in the clouds.  It is the sign of my covenant with you and with all the earth.”
Then God said to Noah, “Yes, this rainbow is the sign of the covenant I am confirming with all the creatures on earth.”


Genesis 9: 12-16

Friday, June 26, 2015

The Theater Of Operations You Find Yourself In

Be on your guard little children for the evil one is searching for you.  Those outfitted in full battle gear seem an awful foe and give second thoughts to any slithering creature.  Take up you prayers and scripture, as you would battle armor, knowing it will be needed if you are to survive.  Life is not a game but a war.  Be on your guard.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Blue Terrorists and Furry Nukes

Blue Jays are terrorists and moles are WMD’s.  

Edvard Munch best know for his painting
The Scream of which this is not

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A Death Cry In Your Backyard

A flower’s full bloom is its prayer not to die.  We have about 25 Rose of Sharon trees that line our back property.  Rose of Sharon blooms are so beautiful but they come out in the morning and then close and fall to the ground that night.  I was looking at them this morning and was reminded of the verse in the Bible that the whole earth groans under the fall.  I stopped to wonder what it would sound like if we had ears to hear.  A great wailing of sorrow must continually be observed in the spiritual realm as all the earth cries out over the injustice of death.  That is why roses bloom so beautifully and oak trees grow so tall.  It is their prayer to be spared from death.  Oh for the “new heaven and new earth” and a stop to beautiful blooms lying dead in my back yard. 

fallen blooms in my back yard

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Are You Blind To The Color Love?

Sitting in the forest on my back porch is like sitting in a Rothko painting.  Rothko was a great artist in that he understood the power of color.  Language cannot give us the gift of color.  The word “red” does not in any way explain or give credit to red.  It is one of the dullest attempts at information sharing and allows us to understand the limit of words to explain the world.  Sometimes I think green could be more fully explained by starting with the word love.  At least it would settle in us the context by which we could then move to appreciate the attempt to convey meaning.  To understand what I am trying to say, think about how you would describe green to a blind person.   

After thinking on that for a moment a praise prayer might be in order.  Something along the order of, “Dear God I am so very grateful…”

P.S.  Sometimes language can make us blind!

Mark Rothko