Friday, June 11, 2021

God Knows The Difference Between a Tortoise and a Turtle

The other day Betty and I were walking beside our mountain when we came upon a full-grown tortoise, the kind we have all seen.  I commented to Betty that I wondered why you never saw a baby turtle?  Two days later walking along the road above our home I came upon a baby snapping turtle.  I was so overwhelmed with thanksgiving.  He was all snapper from his pointed snout and long tail to the jagged flange of the back of his shell.  I smiled at the Kindness and Wit of God.  Two days before He saw me see a tortoise but heard me say “baby turtle”.   So here was my first baby turtle.  The little runt was on the road, the lake being 500 yards south of him and he was still headed north.  I picked him up, took him back to the river, and setting him down next to it, I waited to see what he would do.  After lying still for a few seconds he dived into the shallow water and immediately buried himself in the mud—already brilliant in his instincts.  God is good.  I have since asked to see a baby tortoise.    


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