Thursday, August 22, 2024

I Am Only Old Because of My Age

“I am only old because of my age!” my lover told me yesterday in response to us both feeling a bit of our years.  Such is life with her.  She is a celebrant of living, dancing around all the time to the tune the Divine plays for living that she always hears, and I very seldom.  She is a birthday girl today, 72 of which 41 have been with me.  The 41 best years of my life.  She is really 14 but has been 14 for 72 years, this is not magic; fact, she is the youngest person I know; the “child-like” in the profound saying, “and become like little children”!  She is like a young child of 14 which keeps me close to–say maybe 40.  

Collecting seashells celebrating out 40th wedding anniversary 
last year where we honeymooned, Okracoke Island.



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