Sunday, June 2, 2024

A Circle Praises

I have long known and taught that few things are more perfect, more comforting, and visually aesthetic than the circle.  We all love the circle, from childhood games of Ring Around the Roses to wedding bands, ripples in a pond, orbits, cakes, equators, and hula hoops.  It is one of the simplest ways for an artist to attract attention or evoke a positive response.  It is also reason for praise for no human left to their own devices could have thought up a circle; it is of Divine origin.  A circle is a great act of kindness.  This past week I had the pleasure of working with my lover and our two sons to create a sculpture in a circle. It is called “Rock’s of Ages”. It is the second of five we are making for the Trail of Truth which celebrates the contributions African Americans have made to the success of Jackson/Madison County. Nothing can say it better than a circle.



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