Thursday, June 27, 2024

Boy Do We Need the Rain Maker

Boy, do we need rain.  Betty and I had a long road trip yesterday and the corn and bean fields lie in dire need.  This is why I love God.  One time I pondered rain.  Thought deeply on the truth I could not nor would ever make one drop of rain.  If I were responsible for watering the earth I would have hoses and sprinklers everywhere and half of them would be squirting water in the lake.  At some point, everyone has to decide who makes rain and worship accordingly.  I can ask the cosmos to evolve itself into some badly needed rain or I can ask the One who conceived it, made it, and, in one of the greatest acts of kindness, shares it.  Now there's a reason to love Him.    

Rays of God's assurance, He makes rain and
has figured out how to share it.



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