Thursday, May 23, 2024

Sizzling, Snapping, Boiling Over Love

I am reading Exodus.  

Yesterday evening we sat on the porch as the day waned and the sun set.  My lover looked at me and said, “What are you thinking?” 

I reply stumbling through the words trying to think of perfect words and only common ones come out; “I don’t know, sometimes I have feelings that are so powerful.”  

“Like sadness?” she asks.

I am thinking of my love for her and of this place Fair Haven and it comes out as His gospel. 

“No,” I say. 

“Yes!” I say as I don’t know.  

I try to know how to express my feelings.  

“Like a deep ecstasy, powerfully meaningful, like a gripping knowing, and you turn and look at the sunset and imagine, that’s it, the pillar of fire, and I have pulled my seat outside my tent and sit and stare at it and know, ‘There’s my God, right there!’”  

The next morning still reading Exodus.

Good morning, Father Designer on the mountain, Christ Jesus our Mercy Seat, and Holy Spirit who guides us in all wisdom.  These are the passages where You give Moses the specific designs for the Tabernacle and its utensils.  You are very interested in us worshiping You and You aid by creating things to see to help us worship.  You establish great mysteries, use wonderful, costly, and colorful material, making perfect measurements, and blood is splashed on everything.  It is the beauty and the tragedy of the blood, staining everything and everyone.  The crimson stain, the deep red blood, the spilling of same which makes it all holy, acceptable to You Three.  It is the precursor to what is to come, all this gold, color, rings, wood, bronze, poles, angels, and lamps are all precious because they encircle the blood that will one day be Your Son’s.  

All this is done on top of a mountain, it is laid out up there, it is the greatest story ever told, the greatest love story, and it begins up in the fiery clouds of the mountaintop, sizzling, snapping, boiling over love, seeping into the earth and stones, flowing down onto the hearts and lives of millions upon millions of soon sainted believers.  The original mountain top experience. Because when You come calling You don’t need a pulpit, You need a mountain and a fount of Precious Blood because You are going to wash us in it. 



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