Wednesday, May 4, 2016

art That Matches The Couch

Making art is a trying business.  The world expects decorative color or realism rendering that only displays mimicking skills.  Art will never let you off the hook, the maker or the viewer.  Art is reserved for that which takes a human's heart and brings it alive.  It is doubly hard today because human hearts are so dulled by under use both spiritually and emotionally.  This tragedy is a result of the rejection of the spiritual by the ever-preening intellect.  Our brains are continually being informed that wisdom and knowledge are products of sensory information and scientific data that leave no room for our hearts to inform us in the greatest realm, that of the transcendent or Spiritual.  We have become a species with the knowledge to split the atom, but leave our hearts to forage on popular entertainment and art that matches our couch. 

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