Monday, July 8, 2024

Free of Longings

The longings of my heart are an integral and mysterious part of my life.  Evolution isn’t profound enough to impart survival of this most divine part of me.  Longings far exceed the necessities of life, they are the ecstacies of wanting more, much more of life.  Old age clearly defines the fall, I, so young and alive, such a marvel of humanity, now broken, old, and failing in many ways.  I long for young, for the body I once inhabited, a mind I once loved with, for the heart that pushed me up mountains and sought to seek the ever-unknown, my soul that sought salvation.  I was a marvelous human body…how could that marvel become only a longing for lost marvel?  When Christ said he came to seek and to save the lost, He meant all I have lost.  My longings are the lost me who He will someday make whole, eternally whole, and then longings will be gone as certainly as my once youngness has disappeared, and I will be replaced with the new and always new, me…free of longings! 

We all three suffer under the fall.



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