Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Cartoonican Is Not My Home.

The last two days of life in America are sorrowful.  The President bowing out, Vice President Harris being celebrated as his successor and President Clinton being the first to anoint her ascension is a circus.  We have all known for years President Biden had cognitive difficulties which made him unfit for office and yet it seems politicians and the media just discovered this.  No one in America voted for this, it is a plan developed in back rooms and rolled out to celebration in newsrooms and by politicians and elites across America.  It is a cartoon, a MAD Magazine edition on national politics and media and many Americans are now lapping it up like wine and bread at the Coliseum.  I love America, the original idea of America, and I am still proud to be American.  However me and mine stand apart and against this made up, wickedness, many are trying to make a stand in for America.  Rome is not my home nor my homeland.  I bear no allegiance to these people nor their destructive destroying agendas.  I am an American but what these people are making up is Cartoonican, Madland for the mad.




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