Friday, September 13, 2024

Well Done Thy Good and Faithful Tree

After being away for a few days, yesterday, as is my habit, I made my way around Fair Haven to allow her to seep back into me.  On the side of the mountain, I found a great oak had fallen, broken off a few feet above the ground.  It hurt as I sat and looked at it lying still across the hill where it would die for the next several days.  It has served God well and now has been welcomed into His Kingdom as a faithful tree, a servant of His, who has served well.  I returned to the house and got my lover so she could also bear witness to its passing.  This morning after reading Psalms 148 and Romans 8:18-25 I wrote a prayer for it and for the wonderful kindness God allows us to see and care for His exuberant works, thanking Him and allowing me to note His trees passing.


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