Thursday, January 2, 2014

We'd Better Settle Outta Court

May I muse evangelical a moment?  Is there any doubt that Christ is historical and that there is no bad in Him?  Is there anyone who, even in curiosity, looked into Him and found a single flaw?  The fact that He did exist and that He spoke and lived such truth should demand a thorough study by all humankind.  However the fact that most still reject Him is proof that He is Who He claimed Himself to be.  For Him to freely offer Himself to us and us to reject Him, turn indifferently away, to see no Wooing Beauty there, to be irritated and offended by Him is the greatest proof of sin or to put it clearer that we would prefer our own self-made-rightness to Him.  Because in the end He really did the one thing we find the hardest to do, He turned the other cheek, He gave back good in return for the evil we gave Him.  He did it all just as He asked us to do and we turned away laughing and mocking, “Whatta fool, no one can live that way!”  But He did.  This truth more than any other says that in the end it will be us on trial not Him…and as Paul Harvey use to say, “You’d better settle outta court!”


  1. CONSIDER Him! who endured such opposition from sinful men....
    so that [We] will not grow weary,
    and lose heart.
    Blessed Be the Name of the LORD!
