Monday, May 17, 2021

I've Lost People

I have lost dear people in my life, people I have laughed and cried with, those that have carried Betty and me through some of the darkest days of our lives and have been there when salvation finally came.  What is so sorrowful is they just disappeared, one day they were there and the next day gone, no word, no see you later been nice knowing you, just a disappearance.  What did we do?  Can we not make up?  Is there nothing that seeks a farewell, a going away meal, a smile, a pat on the back, and “let’s stay in touch!”?  For my part it was great knowing you, you each added significantly to our lives, you were important, meaningful people in a world where those kinds of people are hard to find.  Happy trails, I do hope ours cross again.  Sincerely Lee 

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