Tuesday, May 18, 2021

And Life Goes On

And life goes on.  Yesterday morning as I walked down our hall I looked at all my children’s pictures that lined the wall, all of them taken when they were babies and small children.  Once again I was shocked at how brief a time it has seemed for them to become adults with their own children.  Life moves on.  Yesterday evening I stood with my graduates and thought of how I have sowed into them and now our ships were parting probably never to cross again.  Life goes on.  This morning I read the ancient story of Jonah and his ordeal with Nineveh. He could not know that his simple walking warning would spare the “great city” even though some 70 years later it would be destroyed anyway.  And then I read J. I. Packer’s Knowing God and his take on Ecclesiastes; do good where you are and let God take care of the universe and everyone in it.  Life goes on.

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