Friday, May 21, 2021

America The Fragile

Just a cursory reading of the Minor Prophets and you realize how fragile is any one country and how all-powerful God is over all the earth and all its countries.  As an example, Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, was spared by God once, read Jonah, but about 70 years later was destroyed by God along with Assyria.  This may not sound important but believe me, it is when you know the backstory.  Here is a commentary; 

“Nothing then seemed more improbable than that the capital (Nineveh) of so vast an empire (Assyria), a city of sixty miles around with a wall 100 feet high and thick enough that three chariots could go abreast on them, and with 1500 towers, should be so totally destroyed that its site is with difficulty discovered.”—Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown Commentary.  

All humans, Americans including, should meditate on this and act accordingly. 



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