Thursday, January 28, 2021

It, They, He Never Fails

It never fails.  I peek at the news, both sides, and they’re still at it.  They are mean people saying and doing mean things.  These people are frightening.  I believe many of them would do mean things to all of us if they could get away with it to make us believe and do everything they believe and do.  I may not be the brightest kid on the block but I know a mean person when I hear one.  I am not scared of any of them individually but collectively with power, they are very dangerous.  

It never fails.  I spend a considerable amount of time reading and meditating on The Bible.  I read commentaries on the passages.  I read about Jesus and His work.  He is very kind.  He is always looking out for the little person, the hurting, the sick, the one the world is up against.  He never talks mean because He isn’t.  He also calls me to His work, every day, to everyone I meet.  What is his work?  Believe in Him and help others too by loving them with the kindness He loves me with.  I am not that religious but I know a kind person when I hear one.  I am not afraid of Him because He tells me all the time to not be afraid and collectively with His power, we are brave and committed enough to be His kindness.            

Benson Sculpture's work, The Light From Within
installed in Kokomo IN


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