Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Two Days Ago, Knowing, Meaning, Being

I am 63 today.  I know nothing of the day I was born 63 years ago.  I may already be 63 or it may be some other specific time today but I am 63 today.  I can remember when my youthful arrogance would have thought 63 years old was finished, what good could you possibly be at 63?  The real good is, at 63, I am so much more aware of the good.  My star is burning, my lover sleeps safely, we have loved our way to a kingdom of 19 Benson’s, our home is warm, and God through Christ is my Father.  He is responsible for this ongoing and ever-increasing awareness of the beautiful meaning of being.  His awakening of me through salvation is as dramatic as He proclaimed it to be, “You must be born again.”  Nothing had prepared me for the meaning that would accompany that; an intensity of knowing of meaning of purposeful being.    

My virtual party.


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