Wednesday, January 6, 2021

What Then Should We Do?

“What then should we do?”*

Politicians, news, social media, and most of public opinion has placed the current political races into the most important issue of our times.  A great falsehood.  Like most Americans, I am deeply, truly deeply troubled by America but I cannot allow the world to define reality.  I need a greater authority.  One not plagued by injustice, unkindness, untruthfulness, and often evilness.  Why?  Because the second most important issue of our time and all times is; “What then should we do?”  It is an individual question that is critical that every human ask themselves every day and even several times each day.  It profoundly focuses me on this one problem, “How will Lee Benson live today or even at this moment?” because Lee Benson will one day give an account for how he lived to The Great Authority I mentioned above.  I will not have to give an account for the Democratic or Republican Parties, Mr. Biden or Mr. Trump, Mark Zuckerberg, CNN, BLM, FoxNews, Planned Parenthood, KKK, or anyone or anything else.  And what is the bar The Great Authority is measuring me against?  Well, the rules are firmly established, only two, loving Him with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength and loving my neighbor as myself.  And there is the kicker!!!  I can’t do that.  That is what’s wrong with me and every other human that has ever lived. But The Authority took care of that as well by sacrificing His Son for me individually so that through Him, He would help me to love as He requires.  Which brings me to the most important question of all times that always precedes the second one above and will be asked at the accounting; “What did you do with Jesus The Lord?”

*Luke 3:7-18


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