Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Gnkxkxszngkslj.cgkh;dkvk lj.c gxdd:

Gratefulness, thankfulness, sincerity are all markers of a well living life.  Even though it is dark the sun is still warming the earth, it is 61°.  There is so much oxygen I breathe without ever thinking about it.  Pollen is making me cough so I know all the plants, near me at least, or being pollenated for bearing forth, and light, from multiple sources, still allow me to see.  I am offered the opportunity to be grateful, thankful and sincere.  Will I choose the offer?

Gnkxkxszngkslj.cgkh;dkvk lj.c gxdd: this is what it looks like when I type “this is what I type with no light”.  Gratefulness, Thankfulness and Sincerity.  

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