Saturday, April 30, 2016

A Sermonette On BLUE

Have you ever felt betrayed?  Some of the most hurtful experiences in life involve betrayal.  God must feel that all the time.  He produces color by reflected light hitting the cones in the back of our eye which produce electrical impulses to our brain which can interpret those impulses as millions of colors, make us conscious of it and you are now seeing blue.  That in and of itself is enough but He goes one-step further (which equating it with a step is like referring to the Grand Canyon as a thimble) by just giving color away.  We get millions of different colors free.  I have never heard a sermon on color or anyone ever say we need to worship Him for it. 

Feelings of betrayal put in perspective. 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Steeping Life

All of me and mine are safe and secure.  Today I have walked under a black sky turning to indigo so rich it was living.  I am drinking dark coffee from Ethiopia and reading Ancient Text from 450 BC.  I sit beside a steel box roaring with fire white-hot.  I AM is with me.  Life so real it seems steeped in Eternity. 

altar building in the mountains

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Who Can Bear The Artist's Heart

Our hearts are a heavy burden to bear.  In them are all our memories and condemning secrets.  Artists feel much the same way about the content that compels them to create.  The content is too heavy to bear because of the tragic truths in the human experience.  I often wonder if the artist’s heart is a curse or a blessing.  That heart always seems to carry its own tragedies and the tragedies of humanity.  Someone must help and if there is a Someone, I would worship Him because He would be worthy of worship.   

Van Gogh's, The Bearers of the Burden, Women Miners Carrying Coal

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Highest Level Of Fidelity

I often write of birds because they are often the only voice I hear.  In the mornings the dark woods are full of their singing and my quiet time is not so much silent as it is lyrical.  It is surround sound at the highest level of fidelity.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Your Understanding Of Forward Can Help You Forget

Forgetting is a great gift, but it can take practice.  Yesterday has a strong hold on today and often must be continually forgotten to actually forget.  Another way to look at this, “Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead…” In this verse the word “forward” could mean with joyful anticipation instead of advancing.  That would be more incentive to forget the past.