Saturday, March 1, 2025

Your Cheatin' Heart

*Do I have a hard heart?  It is a state of uncaring concern for anything but my own way, my own absolute freedom; to live out one action, to increase my pleasure and decrease my pain.  It reminds me of a Bible verse that has deeply moved me to another action for many years.  Christ has been asked by his disciples what would be the signs for the end of time and Christ begins to tell them.  In the middle of His answer Jesus declares, “Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold.”  Back in the early nineties, we got cable TV and cable news.  I began to watch the news and soon realized I was mad all the time and really disliked many people on the news.  I knew I was losing something I had been given, something more valuable than I had ever acknowledged; I was actually losing love, and my heart was becoming hard.  I stopped watching the news and haven’t watched it since.  It is a sobering reality to realize I can actually lose love.  This reminds me of another truth I heard from Dr. Phil Jett when he spoke on the end times.  He said, “I don’t know if these are the end times but they are certainly my end times.”  This reminds me of one last saying by the smartest person to ever live, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

*Thoughts of reading Moses meets Pharaoh.




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