Tuesday, March 11, 2025

*LORD or Luny

Lord.  What does this word mean?  It can be the start of a dismaying sentence, an exclamation of despair, a proclamation of surprise.  It can be a king, an overseer, or our title.  I just read about someone who said it was his name.  He was pretty definitive, repeating it several times.  If someone walked up to me on the street and said, “I AM LORD!” I would think them quite luny.  I would consider myself rather lunyer if I felt it myself. However, I never got this feeling from the one I read about this morning.  I rather think HE IS.  This means I am right about the luny part. 

*On reading Leviticus

The big orange full moon confirmed
His title this morning even if my 
camera couldn't capture its definitive declaration. 


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