Sunday, December 3, 2023

For All The Messy People Out There

So it’s that time of year again, traditionally the second happiest time of year.  However, many people struggle during this season, finding it more struggle than joyous.  I too sometimes am overwhelmed by the money changing and profiteering.  Our world is messy, humans are messy, I am messy.  I constantly need a soft moment and natural beauty has always served me well.  If you are messy like me, I want to give you an early gift.  Someone at NASA does a daily post of a spectacular image from the Hubble Space Telescope which coincides with Advent.  My lover and I have made it a part of our staying merry traditions since it began.  Here is the site and the first image to get you started.  I do wish my lover, myself, and all you other messy people, a messy Merry Christmas.



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