Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Pleading For Food and We Refuse

Everyone, at times, feels their soul and its worth.  No one can always and only know themselves to be only biological.  Love, ecstasy, the physical pain we sometimes feel when these occur, our staggering under the weight of beauty, our lover, or the touching of a brand newborn, mountains, sunrise, snow.  These are the signals of a greater us than our biology.  The validity, our belief in our meaning, that we are indeed meaningful outside and above our accomplishments, our biology, our wonderfully made-ness.  There is something to us, meaning, like the stars above.  Our fairy tales proclaim it, our songs reach out for it, our poems hint at it, our art tries to show it…we are meaningful, individual declarations of eternal meaning, us alone, kneeling under our weight of meaning.  And as assuredly as our biology cries, begs, and pleads, daily for sustenance, so our souls cry for Bread to live.  Shall we be so ruthlessly uncaring as to cage a truly wild thing and feed it not?  Oh, the poverty of cruelty of starving our soul; the greatest and last arrogance of our biological existence, refusing to know our souls' value…

and caring not a crumb or two tossed!!!   



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