Thursday, November 19, 2020

You Must Have Light to be About Living

What must it have looked like to see that very first morning on earth, the void now visible, the vacuum of formlessness and then light upon it?  It is a marvelous thing to think You made light first because there was nothing to see; it was just brilliant light.  Light to work by.  It is the truth that there is so little light to work by today, most of us stumbling around in the dark with no way to see but worse yet nothing to see.  God that is a brilliant understanding that we first need light, “I am the light of the world” before we can see.  There is nothing much there to see in our life, nothing of any value until The Light is accepted to show us how to begin creating out of the things his light shows us are available to us.  God, you as light, manifested in your son, gives us eyes that see because The Light has been turned on in our lives and in our studio.  Then we can be about the Father’s business because we have light to see and eyes to do the seeing.  God, I am so grateful.  Thank you.   

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