Wednesday, November 25, 2020

1000000000000.0 Thanksgivings

It is the day before Thanksgiving and I am considering the idea of thankfulness.  It is no secret that on November 10, 1986, I had a cosmic life change and as a result of that I have been given a much more grateful heart.  That really doesn’t begin to explain it because what happened to me was more like I had grown a third arm or two more ears. It was that dynamic, this change of ungrateful to grateful.  I had never really been grateful until on the day I was shown how truly ungrateful I had been.  It was like having no arms or ears and then because I had come to my senses and acknowledged I didn’t I was given three or four in the bargain.  That was a change that I couldn’t and still can’t account for.  It was the gift of thankfulness.  I was reading essays on the existence of God this morning and one writer put forth the argument of the “fine-tuning of the universe” as perhaps the biggest obstacle atheists have to overcome.  Stephen Hawking’s describing how science did not support his unbelief said this; “If the overall density of the universe were changed by even 0.000000000000.1%, no stars or galaxies could be formed.”  I thought if you reversed that number, 1000000000000.0% you would come close to understanding how great a change occurred to me on November 10, 1986, just in the thankfulness of my heart.  Numbers don’t lie.  Happy Thanksgiving.  

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