Saturday, February 22, 2025

Krispy Kreme in Cheek

What if you could believe in a Fairy Tale?  Not any fairy tale but the best Fairy Tale.  One where there was no more fear, sickness, sadness, no more death?  A fairy tale where you got to be the best you could ever imagine.  Maybe riding horses over all the national parks on all the planets and every evening meeting up with all your loved ones, all of them, family and friends, for a good meal, beside a good fire, and know how much they loved you.  A fairy tale where all the beaches in the universe had an umbrella for your lover, and you and you spent a trillion years telling of your dreams, and it felt like a few minutes sipping a cool drink and listening to the surf sing.  A fairy tale where you skied perfectly and ran faster than your horse, and your hair was silky long with curls, and Krispy Kreme's was always available, always tasted heavenly, and never, never, never lost their appeal nor added an inch to your bronzed, herculean, physique.  Oh, but fairy tales would never be Fairy Tales unless...they eventually came true.  

A bit like this.


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