A long time ago, in a place far away, You Three conceived of all things: the animals, the ears, the hair, tails, fins, colors, shapes, and sizes. The heavens and spheres abounded in glory, and colors, and lights, and spaces, and distances incomprehensible, and lights and light that never stops expanding since You Three said, “Let there be light!” And plants, flowers, trees, grasses, fruits, nuts, cocoa bean, sugar cane, and on and on and food and fuel cover the earth. Birds fly, the sky is made blue, we get a star, oceans have waves, Mount Everest and Brown (our mountain) are made, Betty, Aaron, Sissy, Zac, Sarah, and our new grandson are conceived, the Big Dipper, Ozone Falls, baby elephants, Fair Haven, The Tennessee River, the Mississippi, oranges…It becomes mind-expanding, heartwarming, soul-praising, knees bowing, good. It never ends for us. Once it begins, it is eternal. We are eternal. Of all thoughts, this is the one that must be reconciled. How do we do eternity? We can’t. Only You Three can and coming into us by faith make us eternally alive, me, glorious as I was intended to be, eternal, one with You All, forever.
This Story, the Greatest Story ever told, must be applied to me every day. I must apply “In the beginning God” to my story every day. You Three are the only story I have to be me. This Story is the only thing that makes all other people, places, and things make sense. I just looked up “thing” in the dictionary, “Anything.” That is what I am trying to explain. Genesis 1 and 2 are the You Three, telling me how I began, how all “things” began. And it is the only “thing” that makes all things make sense (including sense). That thing (including sense) made me happy. Happy, another thing that makes me happy. I could keep repeating here, but I will stop. (stop: thing) Happy again.
On reading Genesis 1 & 2.
Yesterday, splitting fire for next winter. |