Friday, March 15, 2024

If You Have A Window You Can Be Saved

Living with an unobstructed view of the natural world is evangelizing.  We live in a rectangle, our home is a studio, 32’w/27’d/9’h.  The SW wall is all glass.  When it storms, we are separated from it only by a ¼” clear pane.  Lightening, rain, sunshine, dawn, gales, and all manner of wildlife are intimately one with us.  The overwhelming power, clarity, and aliveness of nature are part of our living space.  In all of this, we are constantly and consciously aware of God and His Creative Power.  I have had a coyote stand in front of our window looking in, 22 wild turkeys in our front yard, and hands raised toward heaven and pleading with God to rebuke the gale that was forcing the mighty Tennessee to come washing four feet over our seawall (atheists are not in foxholes or tornados).  In all of this we have been brought to life in a manner we had never experienced before.  There is a “blessed assurance” of night rain filling our trees for their work of spring accompanied by lightning that illumines our home like a flash of ten thousand bulbs, instant blinding light followed by instant blinding darkness.  It is then you can fully say, “Oh Lord, my God, when I, in awesome wonder, consider all the worlds Thy hands have made…” and cry out in your soul, “How Great Thou Art!!!”

Please come to God, through Christ, His only Son.  



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