Sunday, February 18, 2024

A Needed Bathing in Beauty and Eternity

The longing.  What is this profoundness, this eternity we know?  The Bible says “He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the human heart;” I will confess beauty and eternity go hand in hand, the latter being the ultimate realization of the former but along with that confession comes this one; I know neither.  But it seems beauty gives us the inkling of eternity.  The same Bible says everything now is cursed, so all there is exists in a fallen state, not complete, not whole, and I also fallen so that eternity cannot be had in my current form.  I am having a long season of sitting quietly and being fully conscious of my body.  I once read a book titled “You Gotta Keep Dancing” which made the case that only in pain are we fully aware of ourselves, pain alone allows us to feel ourselves.  I looked out over the earth from Fair Haven and said to my lover, “I need God’s beauty to wash over me.”  


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