Friday, April 1, 2022

We Are Covered In Ecstasy Cells

In my freshman 3-D course I have introduced the next element, texture.  I lecture on the profound kindness of our bodies being covered with millions of texture receiving and texture giving cells, each one worthy of producing in us a constant state of gratefulness; warm slippers, kissing, and holding grandbabies come to mind.  Over the years I have noticed a profound paradigm shift in my students.  It goes something like this.  I remember when I was a child if a favorite teacher touched me on the shoulder for any reason I would have an internal response somewhere inside my chest that I now can only describe as ecstasy.  The same thing occurred in high school when I would rub shoulders with my girlfriend but it has reached a zenith unknowable by words with my wife, my children, and my grandchildren (the latter two especially as newborns).  These cells give and receive textural information leading to ecstasy indescribable.  Who is coming up with these ideas and then covering our bodies with them?  When you find out you will worship Him.  And there is the rub.  So many of my students no longer seem to have those textural cell experiences even though they are still covered in them.   

I first had a picture of Betty here and then
I was talking to Sarah about the issues in the blog
and she told me about this song.  This is 
what I mean and to you Baby!!!

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