Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Truly a Dear Girl!

We left our beloved Fair Haven yesterday.  Scrubbed her top to bottom, buttoned up the hatches, tucked away all the loose ends, packed up two months of life sustenance, locked the gates and drove to Jackson.  I always feel as if I am leaving a loved one to fend for herself, no warm fires, no opening of doors, no making the bed or cooking good food, just a long silence as the sun moves the shadows across her floor and the night leaves her dark and hushed.  There is no merry making, no joy of the quiet or praise for the wildness, the acknowledging of every abounding beauty but now only a silent yearning for her two lovers to return.  Foolish fantasy you might think!  But what we have been loaned is a window into the wild earth as it lives, breathes and abounds, a friend that sits quietly as we marvel at God’s goodness in the fallen rawness of Eden past but here a prologue to Eden Coming—truly a dear girl; our loaned Fair Haven.   


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