Saturday, June 5, 2021

Breaking the Bronco (Leviathan) Worship Service

I had two difficult problems.  I needed to remove the two blades from my lawnmower to have them sharpened.  The first problem was how to raise the mower so I could get under it.  I used the fulcrum and lever action of a 2/4 and a block of wood to lift the front of the mower up and set it on two other blocks of wood.  There is great meaning in using ancient tools to increase the efficiency of a 63-year-old body.  Now I had the mower up and with a socket and ratchet, I pulled with all my power to break the nut loose.  Couldn’t do it.  I had a one-foot pipe and slide the rachet into it and tried and tried but still couldn’t do it.  I laid in the grass cursed with weakness.  I drove to the hardware store and bought a 3-foot steel pipe.  Returned and once again crawled under the mower, set my socket, slide the ratchet into the pipe, slide my hand to the end of the pipe, and pulled, pulled very hard; SNAP, the bolt loosened.  I was hopeful.  I slide in the other side, repeated the process—SNAP!  Off it came.  I removed the bolt and blade and rolled over on my back and looked up at heaven.  For several minutes I laid there in a sincere worship service.  With all the things God had to figure out, the sun's distance from the earth, how to get the watermelon taste into the watermelon, kissing, how did He ever think of the lever and fulcrum?  “Oh, how I love Jesus, oh how I love Jesus, oh how I love Jesus, because He first invented the lever and fulcrum.”  This is an absolutely true story. 

The mower is named Bronco


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