Wednesday, April 14, 2021

We Are All "Me" With No Self-Help Book

One of the greatest difficulties in my life is how to be all the me’s that me is required to be; me, Christian, husband, father/grandfather, artist, teacher, citizen.  What makes this so difficult is that no other is me and I am as different as night is from day from all others.  That would require me to daily write my own self-help book in each of those areas; ie, “How to be a great husband” without having been a husband today much less a great one.  But in this quandary is a great joy, the joy of daily getting to know God who knows exactly how me should be in all me’s that need to be—and He is so very kind as to share that with me. Being me is very important since I will be me all day and being great at me, knowing me, is not something I am great at and often something I really don’t care enough to put in the effort to be.  Praise God He is—that’s me telling the absolute truth.  


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