Wednesday, December 30, 2020

"And always be thankful."

I just learned a great art lesson this morning.  I have always made large scale work as one means to significance.  This is a deeply held understanding of meaning harkening back to when I was five and my mom and dad took me up Big Rock Mountain.  Those big rocks that gave the mountain its name towered over me, great monoliths laying across the quiet forest floor.  That experience was profoundly moving and remains one of my strongest and earliest memories.  Two days ago I held my thumb up to Rosemary’s foot and was so moved by its perfection that I took a picture of it.  Early this morning I am sitting with God, alone, quiet, and read this in Colossians, “And always be thankful.”  I thought of that tiny foot and marveled at where it was going to take my granddaughter.  It is one of two she has, by unfathomable grace, been given, free, and oh the wonder of where it will take her.  Overland, into classrooms, to our Lord, through forests, down the altar, to Glacier NP, Gimmelwald, and often into my awaiting arms.  Scale is a relative thing, sometime great significance comes in small packages with ten toes and that is something to always be thankful for.     

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