Friday, October 9, 2020

A Thousand Yellow Love Notes Played by God

Our minds so aid our hearts to the joy of being alive.  And the opposite is true.  God is so alive and yet we spend our days tuned to the winching sounds of desperation, technology clamoring to be our god.  A stiff breeze just passed and left in its wake the sound of hundreds of yellow leaves falling to the earth like a rustling of angel wings on a crowded cloud.  Early this morning a fox trotted 15 feet from me completely unaware that I sat here with the Ancient Text, both of us at peace with one another.  The mind is such a minster to our hearts to keep it in constant tune.  Popular culture, media, and technology are often the sour notes, the bitter dirge, played to our minds and quickly passed to our hearts, hardening agents to fossilize our souls.  But oh, how God floods our world with psalms of balm, a bluebird here, a breeze there, a fox and river and forest sounds of creatures of wonder that we never see.  And a highlight, watching our lover sleep and knowing the good of it for her.  Quiet invites us to its symphony, God’s great 10,000 times 10,000 instruments singing “Oh how I love you” for those with eyes to see, ears to hear, and minds able to renew our hearts with the sound of a thousand yellow love notes from God.  


1 comment:

  1. You captured in beautiful words a similar experience I had sitting out on the back porch recently. The changing seasons are a simple delight for me as a reminder of how amazing our God is.
