Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Refugees, Ai Weiwei and The Gospel of Christ

Everyone is getting madder and madder.  The TV focuses on one group and the other group is watching the TV.  It is like the TV is the playground snitch pitting one against the other.  Are you being watched by TV or watching TV?  The latest thing is immigration and refugees. 

I can remember last summer my youngest son calling me asking what I thought about the Southern Baptist stance on the refugees, which he felt, was to closely tied to the Republican Party and not in line with the gospel.  My wife and I were riding in the mountains and I can remember looking down at the mountain stream we were riding by as I prayed for wisdom because I knew what was coming.  He asked, “What do you think dad?”  There are times when your children, even your grown children, ask you to the witness stand.  I said, “Son of course you are to live with open arms to all people, especially the least of them but you are not the government.  The government is not a religion, its main purpose is to protect.  I would not want to be put in charge of how our government should respond to this crisis but I do not mind being put in charge of how you and I should respond.  We should respond as Christ did, with love for all.  Never look to the government to do what you should do.”  He then asked if I had seen the great artist, Ai Weiwei’s new video showing him actually being present with the refugees and working to bring attention to their plight.  Weiwei was not protesting his government’s, China’s, refusal to take in these refugees but just showed up himself to help.  His government had already beaten him, jailed him and destroyed his studio but they cannot stop him.  We talked about our responsibility as artists to make work that brings Christ’s voice of love to the table and also confronts those that don’t.  (Now I hear where artists are stopping work to protest our government.)      

My heart goes out to the government especially the president who has to make all these decisions.  But my real heart lies with my children and their Lord who commands us, not the government, to love others, to reach out with aid and comfort to everyone who is in need.  I would encourage all of us to stop trying to be in front of the TV cameras or in front of the TV and be behind yourself as you try to offer aid and comfort to a hurting and dying world.  Be with a refugee and MAKE ART TOO!  

One of many works Ai Weiwei has made in support of the refugees.
Refugee lifejackets in Berlin.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

A Fleeting Moment in Divinity

Sometimes you turn and are confronted with art that serves its ultimate function, it causes you to stop and say, “I am so very grateful!”   This experience is not in the art but the art leads you to it as if to introduce you anew to The Being that is so overwhelming Kind, Sincere and Generous that you must renew your love and worship of Him.  The art, the light and their Maker.

I turned and saw this sculpture in my living room this morning.  The morning light
shining on it moved me with such love and awe for God. 

Thursday, January 26, 2017

I Use To Have Free Health Care

I am sick.  What is so wonderful is that I live in a country where health care is at every supermarket, drugs, good food and drink and if all that fails a competent medical community specializing in every single part of me sits on almost every corner.  We drown in grace filled wealth all the while screaming at each other about how rough we have it.  Even in my lifetime I can remember where the local stores medicine isle consisted of aspirin, alcohol, Vicks Salve, Mercurochrome and Band-Aids.  If you are real country you can remember a time when everyone had free health care, Granny.     

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Difficulty In Preparing To Teach Art

*In looking at beauty and the sublime in purely philosophical way sincerity would be the key.  There seems to be something vainly insincere about trying to dismiss beauty with the idea of “the sublime.”  As if humans can encompass beauty in an omniscient way as to be able to define it.  The key here is to realize that beauty in no way needs humanity in order to be.  The fact that humans realize or are conscious of beauty does not make a fact that it is dependent upon human recognition is order to be.  Beauty belongs in The Realm of The Devine.

*Thoughts while reading Cameron J. Anderson's new book, The Faithful Artist


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Which Came First The Chicken Or The Apple?

I reread the most ancient story this morning, The Creation Story, Genesis 1-4.  I noticed something I never had before, God said “with seed in them” when He created plants.  The old conundrum of the egg and the chicken was actually predated by the seed and the apple.  I guess the answer is that God put the egg in the chicken in the chicken in the egg and the apple tree in the seed in the apple on the tree.