Do you ever give glory? Do you have it to give away? I don’t know the answer to the first, but I do the second, a resounding “Yes!!!” Oxygen, light, and love can begin your list. But what is glory? Glory is the feeling I get when I realize how great everything is that keeps me alive: healing, cell division, seeing, resonance, sun, touching, empathy, gravity, stars, rhyme, consciousness, DNA, lift, heat, and wind. An infinite list of overwhelming provisions for my existence which I do nothing to receive, and I end up with a lot of glory I need to give to something or someone. It is an overwhelming feeling of needing to be and do something. It is a fact that without graces abundant, intricate, beautiful design of everything including me, there would be nothing, including me. It gives grace a real meaning, and grace produces glory. I have an abundance of glory, but it's not for me but for me to give away. But to what? To who? This is the main reason we build Tabernacles, Temples, Cathedrals, steeples, St. Fillian’s hall, and make sculpture. Those are the best hints to what or Who, I can give my glory to. Having so much glory and never giving it away would be despairing.
Betty and I stopped to pray in this small church in Mexico. It reminded me of the same glory given in Giotto's chapel ceiling in Scrovegni Chapel in Italy